Can You Keep a Secret? Confessions of a Professional Organizer


“You’re an organizer? Your house must be perfect, right?”

Nope. Not so much.

The truth is, unless we live alone, and maybe even when we do, our lives are easily filled with clothing, and paper, and dishes, and stuff, and more stuff.

No one is immune to clutter. Even those of us who clear clutter for a living.

I’m good at what I do.

I love what I do.

But when I get home at the same time as my kids, and I need to make dinner, and do homework, and help with baths, and, and, and…there is simply no time for that pile or that closet.

Instead of beating myself about the things I’ve let slide for a while, I’ve chosen to laugh at the irony of being an organizer whose house is not always organized.

And then, I’ll shrug it off and do better tomorrow.

I invite you to laugh at with me too. I choose real over perfect, any day.

  • There are mugs in my cabinet that I’ve used once since receiving them as a wedding gift – 20 years ago
  • I keep too much of my kids’ art with a master plan to create memory books for each of them
  • The first time I backed up my iPhone was this year – when it was already almost dead (not recommended)
  • I procrastinate. A lot
  • There is a box in our playroom labeled “Miscellaneous”
  • I have a junk drawer
  • My children’s’ winter clothes have not been sorted and put away
  • I may be slightly behind on my paperwork (OK, more than slightly)
  • I often call my babysitters the day that I need them
  • This blog post is my first in almost a month

So tell me, what makes you real?

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